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《回去来兮 辞》英文翻译及赏析


现在,一些中国的传统文化因新思潮的袭击逐渐幽静下去。不外有一些名篇却一直走扬于世,其中《回去来兮 辞》即是其中之一。本文将带您一起学习这首历史文假名作的英文翻译及赏析。



以下为《回去来兮 辞》英文翻译:

回去来兮, Going and returning,

田园将芜胡不归? Why not retrace and roam through the overgrown fields of the country?

既自以心为形役, Once, forming my heart as a servant,

奚惆怅而独悲? What causes me to roam alone and sorrowful?

悲余口阑, My lips are sealed,

更察尔庐。 Watching your home,

昔余有志, Once I had a dream,

饮干离粟。 And drank the wine of leaving and detachment.

今夜鄜州月,千里共明光。 Tonight, in Fu Zhou, a thousand miles full of light.

此系宿梦成, This is a dream come true,

忽忆过昔庐。 I suddenly remembered the past.

庭户无声, The courtyard is silent,

瑟瑟琴韵。 The sound of the stringed instrument is heard.

感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。 Flowers shed tears of feeling, and parting birds startle the heart.

狼烟连三月,家信抵万金。 The beacon fires have been burning for three months, and the family's letters are worth a million dollars.

白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。 The white-haired man is even shorter, and he is almost over the hairpin.

思欲千里送秋波, Thinking of charming glances for thousands of miles,

更共明晰月。 Watching the bright moon together.

相知无远近, Knowing no distance,

万里尚为邻。 Thousands of miles are still neighbors.
